Anjali's Blog

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Good Old Days

Most of you can recognise all the four beautiful ladies in this picture ! Those of you who'll know gradually.

Fifty years back in India, having a photograph taken must have been a big deal. Not many photographs were taken so people wanted to give their best pose. Just one or two photographs brought so much joy to people back then. It was nothing like today, when you can just click your digital camera or even your phone and capture moments with hundreds of photos. Mordern techniques has made life so easy and you can just pick the best photos and have them framed or however you want to display them.

Back then, photographs were rare. People kept them with great care. One photograph could relate to one story after another. It could bring back several memories. There are many such precious photographs of my family, which I will keep posting it here in My Blog now and then. But for now let's talk about this particular picture which I found in an old album in Patna.

In the above picture, I am sure all of them got dressed up for some celebration in the family and decided to get a group picture taken ! And I am sure this photograph in itself has many stories and laughters to reveal. Well, I am asking all these pretty ladies in this photograph to share the precious memories this photograph could reveal ! So, Amma, mummy, S.Fua and C.Fua.....
please let us know how, when and why this photograph was taken. We would love to hear any story related to it. So please share.

And if any of you have an old time photograph, please share it with us on this blog and the memories related to it. I am sure your stories will brighten up our days, and bring us all even closer than ever.