Anjali's Blog

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year Celebrations

For us celebrating Christmas and the New year was having fun, fun and lots of fun! We got started with arrangements, ideas, event organising, and planning games well before date, and how we enjoyed it. Our priority was to provide full entertainment for our elders, so that they could enjoy the day as well as feel proud of their kids. We put up variety entertainment shows such as dancing, singing, instrumental and acting.

I used to thoroughly enjoy the practice sessions we had, as I could boss over everyone, especially my elder sister(just kidding).I usually took the responsibility of synchronising all the instruments together, and give out notes to everyone.I was very proud of my orchestra team consisting of my elder sister on the violin, my younger sister on the sitar, my cousin sister on the guitar, my dad on the tabla and myself on the harmonium. For me, it was the world's best orchestra team! The dance practices kept everyone busy too. I was never good at dancing and left this part to my other sisters and cousins. Arguments, displeasure and tantrums took place amongst us kids,but never spoiled our enthusiasm for the big day!

But,the most fun days were the picnics we would have on the terrace or lawn on the 1st of January. I can never forget one such picnic,when we played lots of games. We were thrilled by the sportive response elders gave us.They danced, sang and had lot of fun.We brought our stereo system on the terrace and played different songs from movies for each one. The most uproarious part was playing musical chairs, when somebody sat on some other person as the music stopped(I am sure some of you must be smiling, remembering this hilarious incident)!!

All the kids participated in some form or the other. Arranging chairs, decorating the stage, designing costumes, arguments, agreeing on suggestions, or simply frolicking around were things none of us wanted to miss. On the whole our gang would have a blast! The delectable food was eaten by all with good appetites. In this way the first day of every year was spent with exultant cheer and happiness.

With most of us scattered here and there now, these parties have ended. I still celebrate every New Year with friends and family in my town. They are fun, but nothing compared to our old time celebrations.

Happy 2007 to all !


  • I will always remember the biryani we ate. Since then the idea of biryani on such a mass scale really horrifies me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/05/2007 2:00 AM  

  • i can recall two of the sweetest at kadamkuan's terrace and biryani preparations at bari mausi's parking lot :) bari mausi's Maruti 800 BEF52 would be parked outside..and parking lot was used for cutting vegetables and all....and best was the popular belief that what you do on the first day of the New Year affects your entire year :) we used to think that we would be having these type of family affairs throughout the year... :-D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/06/2007 12:10 AM  

  • I remember the song played for chotka fufa "main der karta nahi der ho jati hai" and fufa's comment:'arey ye bachcha sab hamara majak udaataa hai'.Really memorable and won't come back again in that way.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/27/2007 9:00 AM  

  • Really Biryani preparation was horrible and Manjhala Mehmaan's (Ramjit Prasad )action memorable.After taking tow or three spoon he realised that he cannot take it.So he asked me for a newspaper.Folded the newspaper in 4 folds to make it square and hard enough to serve the purpose of a plate.Then he turned total biryani on the paper,took it carefully to the gate and with full affection kept in front of a street dog standing outside the gate.I was shocked to see that as by that time I didn't tasted the dish.I asked him why he did so he said Raam Raam wo Khaney layak hai.

    By Anonymous Vinita Kochgaway, at 5/10/2010 11:15 AM  

  • hahaha.....hilarious s. fua !
    I see that many of your comments came up in 2010, even though the post was older, like this one of 2007. But, it feels so good to know that you all go through the blog once in a while.

    By Blogger Anjali, at 2/04/2011 2:51 PM  

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