Anjali's Blog

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Dream

Written by Anjali Prasad (1985)
As a child when I would sleep,
My eyes closed in slumber deep.
I would dream of sweets and candies,
Colorful toys and beautiful fairies.
A night I dreamt I reached the moon.
Twinkling stars came near me soon.
Amazed I stared at the glittering sight
A girl dressed up in silver white
Arrived in a carraige of shining stars
with gifts and toys and choclate bars.
"Who are you?"I whispered,
"I am your friend" she answered.
She helped me climb into her carraige
We set out for a lively voyage.
We crossed by some fragrant flowers,
A glittering palace and crystal showers
I stared at the magnificent sight
Oh, it was some magical night !
Suddenly the carraige came to a halt
I lost my balance and slipped out!
In panic I woke and fell on the floor,
My mother calling me opened the door!


  • Thankyou.Wrote this poem when I was 14 or 15.I found it in an old diary of mine.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/07/2006 7:49 PM  

  • Didn't know that you had a poet encased inside you. Let your talent flow! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/08/2006 5:07 AM  

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