Anjali's Blog

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The awful pudding

My parents were used to attending a number of parties hosted by their friends and insisted on us accompanying them too.Now,we three sisters were not very fond of such parties,but had to agree on going to some of them.We had to look good, be in our best behaviour, smile at everyone even if your mouth started hurting after sometime, be polite and not act rude, praise the food served and it is at such formal parties.

I remember at one such party, after getting tired of putting an ingenuine smile, talking and appreciating everything around, my younger sister and I escaped to a silent place in the garden with our bowls of dessert.It looked like some uncooked pudding and did not give an appealing look,but we had to take some, afraid of projecting disrespect to the hostess.After a bite both my sister and I decided to dispose off the dessert.We could not go back inside to find the garbage and throw it.What if someone caught us.Instead we started looking for a safe place to throw the pudding in the garden and walk inside with empty bowls.We would then tell the hostess,that it was a perfect dinner with very good food.That would make everyone happy including my dad,who always liked to venture out new dishes and never believed in throwing away food.My mom was like us, not very adventurous with food,but my dad wanted us to try new things and appreciate the good part of it.Yes, of course! But then our taste buds could find nothing good in that dessert ! Both of us looked here and there and decided to throw away the pudding behind a tree.We walked towards the tree, looked around to see if anyone was spying, and was about to scoop off with the spoon,when "hey"someone called us from behind.I knew it was my dad's voice! My sister whispered to me to act cool as if we were just enjoying the pudding.My dad hurried towards us with a bowl of pudding looking around.
He looked at us and said "What in the world is this made of?Can you find a place where I can just throw away the pudding?"
The two of us looked at each other trying to control our laughter.
"Yes, sure.Throw it over here.That's what we are trying to do" I said.
The three of us quickly disposed off the dessert.We went inside with smiling faces not giving a clue to anyone about the victory we had just attained. The pudding must have been really horrible, for my dad threw it too!
Guess what.The next day the cleaner found pudding thrown in almost all lone places and corners of the house ! That bad was the dessert! I am sure the hostess never tried to make that pudding again!


  • GOOD ONE!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/30/2006 6:13 AM  

  • Who is this anonymous writing in my blog?Is this Sangita di? Would like to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/30/2006 11:17 AM  

  • Me and didi went to a party and the same thing happened to us. They sung some horrible version of 'dhoom' and 'khajrare' and we spent most of our time in the lobby of the hotel. I wrapped some weird potato-stick-thing into a napkin and gave it to the waiter. I really do hate it when we have to go to awful parties where we don't know anyone and have to eat yucky things that look like rocks with moss on them or even mushrooms!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/05/2006 2:10 AM  

  • Eeew!
    The hostess must have been scarred for life! There's only so much a person can handle and being surrounded by exceedingly bad pudding's not it.
    Lesson of story: People put up fake masks, trying to look prim and proper, but most of the time, they are all thinking the same unsaid things. Abnormalities of society...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/05/2006 2:58 AM  

  • Thanks for narrating the incidence that happened that evening. I remember vividly the way we decided to dispose off the kheer and afterwards we felt relaxed and with a smiling face we joined the main party.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/09/2006 1:59 PM  

  • Anjali Di I still remember the taste and our expressions on seing daddy - The sweetdish was some kind of Anda ka kheer. I felt like vomiting when the host announced it was egg kheer. Even today when I go to a party and don't like the food I remember that incidence.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/09/2006 2:01 PM  

  • eee raam.... anda ka kheer ...eeek

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2006 3:16 AM  

  • I did not mention egg kheer or anda ka kheer to give a little refinement to my story!But,daddy and Richa pole khole diye!!
    Ritika and Ishita....I can imagine
    your state in parties.
    Sonu.....your reaction was hilarious.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2006 4:06 PM  

  • yukieeeeeeeeeeee.......anda ka kheer....soch kar bomi aa raha hai!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/25/2006 10:08 AM  

  • egg kheer!!!!!

    totally gross!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/31/2006 12:22 PM  

  • i want to taste anda ka kheer.

    By Blogger Ankit Sinha, at 10/28/2007 4:36 AM  

  • Ankit....ask mummy to make it !!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/10/2008 10:52 AM  

  • Who was the host?

    By Blogger Kush, at 1/26/2009 10:31 PM  

  • Kush.....itna jaan lo ki koi friend thay daddy kay......agay raaz ki baat hai raaz hi rehnay do !!

    By Blogger Anjali, at 1/29/2009 4:07 PM  

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