Anjali's Blog

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How do you say it again?

Back in 1984, I got the oppurtunity to visit many places in Italy with my dad, mom and little sister. Most of the people there, did not understand or speak english and their accented language sounded strange to us. But,with my dad managing fine till now, my sister and I hardly worried about the conversed accent.We landed in Florence really thrilled about visiting one of the wonders of the world-The Leaning Tower of Pisa. We stayed at a hotel near the Tower for the night.The next morning, my dad took pamphlets and directions from the hotel reception. With my dad as our guide,we walked confidentally, stopping at every place of tourist interest. And, finally, my sister and I followed my dad with unexceptional enthusiasm and energy, to reach the wonder of the world in Pisa. We walked for almost an hour,when my dad realized that we had taken a wrong path. My mom and dad decided to stop at a local shop and ask for directions. Now this man did not seem to understand what my parents were asking.
"Excuse me, how can I go to Leaning Tower Of Pisa?" my dad asked.
"Oh, Piezsa", he chuckled with delight and gave us clear directions.We thanked him and followed his directions , walking for another 15 minutes. But, to our dismay, we soon found ourselves in front of a big Pizza restaurant. So that crazy man with a funny accent thought we wanted to eat pizza?!! How frustrating! I felt deceived and tired. Anyway, my dad made more enquiries patiently, and we finally made it just in time before the closing of the Leaning Tower for that day.
By the time we walked out,it had begun to get dark.We walked back the way we had come until my parents looked a little confused on which road to take.My dad stopped to ask a few people directions back to our hotel.

"So what was the name of the hotel?" he asked us.
Nobody remembered. He thought for a minute and asked a man. "Excuse me, where is hotel plaza?"
The man walked away shaking his head. We asked a few more people we found on the way.
This time my dad tried, "which way is hotel piazela? No.
Then he asked, "can you tell us how to go to Pliazai hotel"? Nope.That did not work either.
"Is there a hotel nearby with the name pizilla, plaza or something?" Everyone shook their heads.
"Oh brother" I thought."This sure was going to be tough".
My mom checked the pamphlets my dad had collected from the hotel reception. Sure enough, she found one with the exact name of the hotel.
"Good thinking", we all exclaimed with relief.
A tall man came to us to help. My dad showed him the name of the hotel. "Oh, you mean Pizzelle gennaro de roma", he said with a strange accent.
"Oh whatever", I thought. "Just tell us the way!"
He gave us directions which I was sure my dad and mom did not understand very well. But, my dad in his usual cheerful spirit,walked and made us repeat "Pizzelle gennaro de roma" 5-6 times in the accent the man had just said. I did that unhappily just to please him.
To make sure for the last time that we were heading towards the right direction, my dad again stopped to ask someone. "Is this the way to hotel Plaza?"
Before that person could shake his head and walk away, my sister and I shouted, "'s Pizzelle gennaro de roma" in the accent we had just practised five minutes back.
The man looked at us, smiled and said, "sure, just make a right from that corner and your hotel is there".

Oh, thank godness! I was so relieved to see our hotel.