Anjali's Blog

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Oh, those days !

I had written this poem back in 1990.I thank Tuttu for preserving it and sending it back to me to post here.

Long ago I once remember,
That time we were twelve together.
Schools were closed and we were free,
Lying idle under a tree.
An idea suddenly struck to one,
Making an ant-house would be fun!
Oh, we worked enthusiastically,
Running for things excitedly!
Until a big problem arouse,
There was no ant in the house!
Thus our search for ants began,
I found a few inside a can.
In the house that we had made,
Gently with care the ants were placed.
Daily we stole and brought sugar pills!
The house soon was full of ant hills!
One day however someone suggested,
The ants might feel as though arrested.
Taking one's freedom was very bad,
Realising this fact we all felt sad.
We released the ants reluctantly,
and watched them all disperse silently.
Two days later all were gone!
We felt desperate and forlorn.

Sometime after I now remember,
The twelve of us were again together.
Hearing a cry we went to see,
To our surprise under the tree
Three little sparrows lay there hurt,
From their nest they fell on earth.
We closely examined their legs and wings,
They were terrified the poor little things.
We found the birds unable to fly,
If we left them they might die.
To keep them back we gave a try,
But none could reach, their nest was high!
Someone came running with a tray,
Gently we made the three birds lay.
I carried them carefully inside my room,
The centre of attraction they became soon.
Some brought grains while some brought bread,
With all these food the birds were fed!
The day after the birds seemed happy,
They chirped, they sang, they were jolly.
Seemed they got rid of their ailment,
We all cried with joy and excitement.
The entire day we remained with them,
At night our elders forced us to bed.
But oh! The next day as we gathered,
We realised some agony the birds had suffered.
Our little friends collapsed gradually,
With tearful eyes we watched helplessly.
Their end had come, their journey finished,
For days we cried, our joys had vanished!

As time passed I again remember,
The twelve of us as usual together.
Found a puppy outside our gate,
Whimpering over, I guess its fate!
It's colour was white, that of snow,
Eyes shone with an unusual glow.
We brought for it a bowl of milk,
Which it somehow managed to sip.
After the meal it seemed happy,
We took turns to hold the puppy.
Elders would never like this pet,
For it might make the carpets wet.
Secretly,we decided to find a place,
Which our elders could not trace.
We entered our study room silently,
Found a suitable place presently.
An hour passed, we heard a noise,
Outside the room we heard a voice!
It was us, elders were looking for,
The puppy was quickly hid in a drawer!
We immediately sat with open books,
Our countenance gave those studious looks!
Our parents entered all surprised,
What we were upto none realised!
Finally time came for us to leave,
Nobody wanted to go and sleep.
We placed the puppy on a cushion,
Covered it with a piece of linen.
We all bid the puppy goodbye,
Midnight I woke hearing it cry!
Others were up too hearing the whining,
The puppy oh dear, was infact now howling.
My dad opened the study room curious,
Seeing the dog the elders were furious.
Sight of the messy room made us pale,
We cursed the dog, it was waving its tail !
We were scolded for the entire event,
The puppy was made to sleep with a servant.
Next day he took the puppy away,
By chance he found its mom on the way.
We were relieved to hear all this,
Prayed for it's happiness where ever it is!

Time has passed and we have grown,
Busy with problems of our own.
On occasions we get a chance to meet,
We talk of past, their memories sweet.
We recall those times, those lively days,
Those little joys, those childish ways.
From burdens and responsibilities we were free,

The beauties of life was all we could see.
Though time has left us all apart,
Childhood memories cherish in each heart.
The joys and sorrows we shared together,
Lifetime through we will remember.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Creation

Written by Shubhangi Malvika

The birds, animals & clouds
makes the earth feel proud.
The flowers and the green grass
look pretty,but if you ask
the sun when it sets
that scene is the best.

The plants bushes and trees,
spread happiness that we feel
But feeling the presence of God
makes the creation beautiful to all.

Rivers and lakes do their duty
and adds to the earth's beauty
the birds above us fly
the shining stars in the sky
this creation of nature thus
is a gift from God to us.