Anjali's Blog

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The awful pudding

My parents were used to attending a number of parties hosted by their friends and insisted on us accompanying them too.Now,we three sisters were not very fond of such parties,but had to agree on going to some of them.We had to look good, be in our best behaviour, smile at everyone even if your mouth started hurting after sometime, be polite and not act rude, praise the food served and it is at such formal parties.

I remember at one such party, after getting tired of putting an ingenuine smile, talking and appreciating everything around, my younger sister and I escaped to a silent place in the garden with our bowls of dessert.It looked like some uncooked pudding and did not give an appealing look,but we had to take some, afraid of projecting disrespect to the hostess.After a bite both my sister and I decided to dispose off the dessert.We could not go back inside to find the garbage and throw it.What if someone caught us.Instead we started looking for a safe place to throw the pudding in the garden and walk inside with empty bowls.We would then tell the hostess,that it was a perfect dinner with very good food.That would make everyone happy including my dad,who always liked to venture out new dishes and never believed in throwing away food.My mom was like us, not very adventurous with food,but my dad wanted us to try new things and appreciate the good part of it.Yes, of course! But then our taste buds could find nothing good in that dessert ! Both of us looked here and there and decided to throw away the pudding behind a tree.We walked towards the tree, looked around to see if anyone was spying, and was about to scoop off with the spoon,when "hey"someone called us from behind.I knew it was my dad's voice! My sister whispered to me to act cool as if we were just enjoying the pudding.My dad hurried towards us with a bowl of pudding looking around.
He looked at us and said "What in the world is this made of?Can you find a place where I can just throw away the pudding?"
The two of us looked at each other trying to control our laughter.
"Yes, sure.Throw it over here.That's what we are trying to do" I said.
The three of us quickly disposed off the dessert.We went inside with smiling faces not giving a clue to anyone about the victory we had just attained. The pudding must have been really horrible, for my dad threw it too!
Guess what.The next day the cleaner found pudding thrown in almost all lone places and corners of the house ! That bad was the dessert! I am sure the hostess never tried to make that pudding again!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Waiting for snow and spring

I was being repeatedly shot with one question after another about winter and spring by my just turned four year old daughter, Anusha.She was finally convinced by my answer that when it snows it's winter and when flowers begin to bloom it's spring.From then on every morning she would religiously look out of the window to see the snow or flowers.
"Mummy,there is no snow,no flower.What is it outside?"
I patiently explained to her that it is winter,but it does not snow everyday.You have to wait for the snow.She was disappointed,but to my relief decided not to bother me with her further queries.
Days begin to pass,my daughter still waiting for snow.I almost began to feel sorry for her.Why was it this very year that Mother Nature decided not to bring any snow? Of course, Anusha had played in twelve inches deep snow last winter,except that she no longer retained those memories.
Finally my daughter's patience was rewarded.It was almost the end of January.I checked for school closings early that morning and went back to sleep.I was woken up after about an hour by shrills of excitement by my two kids.
"It is all snow outside" I heard her talking to her brother in amazement. My angel's wishes had come true. I got up happy and pulled the curtains to make the snow visible from every room.The sun was now shining and reflected it's light on the accumulated white snow making everything brighter than ever. My kids rushed with their chores, ready to play outside.Used to the Indian climate,I am not very fond of snow,but had no intentions of ruining their fun!I bundled them up with scarves and snow jackets.My husband could not hold his excitement either,as he could take the liberty to stay and work from home too. Both of us decided to clear the driveway while the kids played.
Anusha,all excited jumped and played in snow,helped her brother make a snowman.Then they dug in the snow with shovels. I took a few pictures of both of them. She seemed very happy. They lay on the floor and made snow angels.My son threw snowballs at his sister.This kind of upset her.Her small hands with fat gloves could not make good snowballs. She was not ready for this kind of defeat.She made a big fuss and began crying.
I took her inside,with her brother and dad right behind me trying their level best to comfort her.
That was the end of it! She no longer wanted to play in the snow.
"I like spring better" she stated.
Now she looked out of the window everyday, hoping to get a glimpse of any flower outside the house.
After about a month she came running to me one day,and tried to pull me towards the front porch of the house.I followed her,and to my surprise all the daffodil and tulip bulbs I had planted had begun to give leaves. "Will the flowers come soon,mummy?"she inquired.

I told her that the plants needed water and little sunlight to grow. She ran to get her cup,filled it with water and began pouring it over the plants.Excited she made a dozen trips in and out of the house carrying water in her cup.She would observe the sunlight,water each and every plant holding the cup in her tiny hands.She did this everyday and petals began popping out of the plants.She was thrilled to see the beautiful yellow daffodils which had begun blooming by the next week ! The tulips are yet to bloom.
But, my prettiest flower, my daughter, was all blooming with joy and happiness ! Yes, spring is here !

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Dream

Written by Anjali Prasad (1985)
As a child when I would sleep,
My eyes closed in slumber deep.
I would dream of sweets and candies,
Colorful toys and beautiful fairies.
A night I dreamt I reached the moon.
Twinkling stars came near me soon.
Amazed I stared at the glittering sight
A girl dressed up in silver white
Arrived in a carraige of shining stars
with gifts and toys and choclate bars.
"Who are you?"I whispered,
"I am your friend" she answered.
She helped me climb into her carraige
We set out for a lively voyage.
We crossed by some fragrant flowers,
A glittering palace and crystal showers
I stared at the magnificent sight
Oh, it was some magical night !
Suddenly the carraige came to a halt
I lost my balance and slipped out!
In panic I woke and fell on the floor,
My mother calling me opened the door!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Early Summer

Written by Ankit Sinha
Here comes the blistering summer
Scorching heat and thirsty runner.
Heat soaks up the water
Dried parched land lies after
On my couch I lie
I say ouch and then I cry
Its June and July
Now I don't want to lie
because monsoons are nearby.